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How To Use Your Phone As A Tool, Not A Trap

How To Use Your Phone As A Tool, Not A Trap

  • 25th International Families and Fathers Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Workshop Title: How to Use Your Phone as a Tool, not a Trap

Presenter: Thao V. Tran, Founder @ Ditox

In this hands-on interactive session, parents and professionals will discuss the impact of mental health and technology on families and children in today's connected society. Drawing from firsthand experiences, as well as an industry leader with Ditox - a digital well-being community - we will explore ways to help adolescents and younger children navigate issues such as cyberbullying, online anxiety, depression, body image, and mental illness. We aim to promote active digital well-being and encourage families, companies, and brands to work together towards this goal. Educating, empowering, and inspiring the next generation can create a future where technology is used to enhance our lives, not detract from them.

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